Black Nerve


Expression: Vespertheca
Prevalence: common to all members of Vesperis vulgaris

Expression: Umbral Meridians
Prevalence: all members of V. vulgaris

Expression: Sanguine Vessels
Prevalence: all modern members of V. vulgaris

Expression: Wretched Raptorials
Prevalence: common among most cultivated pedigrees of V. vulgaris

Expression: Lips of the Conjuror

Prevalence: occurs among cultivated pedigrees of V. vulgaris


Above the mental evaluations‍ ‍—‍ the loyalty and mastery of heartlands history expected of all vesperbanes‍ ‍—‍ any pawn hopeful to ascend to the rank of wretch should learn at least three of the wretched fundamentals. These are not the true fundamentals‍ ‍—‍ the ability to siphon, metabolize, and discharge enervate; the ability to ingest red ichor without putrefying internally; or to nurse the vespers without being impaled from within by their golden fingers. Those are a matter of course, implicit in any survival of the pharmakon rites.

Aura Form Techniques:

Umbra form techniques:

Ichor form techniques:

Rhiza form techniques: