Serpentine Squiggles

Duskroot has been destroyed. A minor stronghold, its enemies struck with cunning and coordination while its allies didn’t lift a hand. As vultures upon a corpse, mercenaries are hunting for survivors.

Awelah escaped Duskroot. She lost everything. Vengeance drives her, but can she kill a angel beyond death?

Ooliri has a mission to defend Duskroot’s refugees. He has to prove he belongs in a family of medical geniuses. But healing isn’t enough‍ ‍—‍ can he bring the dead back to life?

Makuja seeks safety among the refugees. Death and servitude leaves her gaze empty. It’s easy to be a follower, but is there a purpose worth living for?

First, the three need answers. A grand scheme is unfolding, and Duskroot was only the first step.

This story shares a setting with other works in the Black Nerve canon, but none are required reading. A companion piece called A Heart to Judge exists, providing Makuja’s backstory, though it’s best read after the first arc.

Contents (Full Text, 99.3k words)

A Duskroot Exodus
An Eastward Pursuit
A Wisterun Welcome