Serpentine Squiggles

Team Duskborn

Awelah Asetari

Female; Pale purple chitin with violet star patterns; messy antennae fluff with narrow tufts; wears formal robes under an amalgamated cloak; tallest of her team; wields a fold​-​out spear.

Born in 1710 A.P., aged 15 at story start, eight instar. Well​-​trained as a pawn; skilled hunter.

After witnessing the decimation of her clan, seeks vengeance against the One​-​Winged Pheonix.

Techniques: Molded Bane Blast and Umbral Body Projection with the assistance of her uncle Honarari. Through experimentation with Ooliri, discovers False Split Projection and Volatile Body Projection.

Ooliri Silverbane

Male; gray chitin with golden antennae fluff; wears goggles and a Windborn pawn uniform. Wields a baton.

Born 1711 A.P., aged 14 at story start, eighth instar.

Seeks to save his mother and halt death for as many as possible.

Techniques: Endowed with a right arm of ichorflesh; can cast Pure Healing Palm through it. Capable of Bane Blast. Learned the arete​-​binding ritual.

Makuja No​-​name

Female; black and red chitin; big white eyes, round features, glove​-​like pattern on foretarsi. Wears plain clothes of a laymant. Has many knives hidden in her clothes.

Born 1712 A.P., aged 13 at story start, eighth instar.

Seeks to avege her master and uncover her client’s secrets.

Techniques: Knows arete​-​binding; can perform Bane Blast, Stone Casting, and improvised Blast Jumping.