Serpentine Squiggles


While it would be fitting for the serpent's den to be an inescapable trap, the content here can be exhausted, and eventually it will be time for your journey to move on. Though we do hope you return!

As motivated by this blogpost, we'll collect together links for anyone interested in further exploring the web. This page represents proximity, above all else. Either creators in the neocities grind with us, or our friends. But everything we link here is cool, or we wouldn't link it.

Selected neocities sites

Picker-Aparter: a few excellent pieces of fiction, thoughtful "rants", and several evocative fragments. A treasure trove of delightful work that feels like a glimpse into a mind. Our favorite kind of neocities page.

WMB Saltworks: mainly a list of outgoing links.  See their listing in the friends index further down.

Circle-Snake Café: many essays, fiction, and poetry (Promise we aren't biased from the name).

Sporktown: stories and fragments from a fellow writer

suspiciouslyBee: personal page of a cute streamer

♡ Kawaii Nightmare ♡: a perfectly named website; the landing page is a chaos of links and images.  Worth a crawl if you don't mind the aesthetic — anime and music blogging, and other curios.

Cordillera's Content: interesting thoughts and good source of curated links.

Uranian Coffee: electronic music and poetic writings.  (their new album Grot Geluid (excursionPoint_006) is a banger.

coffebug: delightful music and cute art. I recommend the album MIDIfreak

localghost: helpful posts about site design and other technical matters

Stuff My Friends Wrote

Most of these people don't have sites of their own.

emstar/MMKII (SufficientVelocity, ArchiveOfOurOwn, FimFic) - fellow writer

Spectre/"Speck" (Fimfic) - our oldest online friend, as well as our most dedicated and consistent beta reader.

SableGM/Winged_One/melmonella (Substack, RoyalRoad, SufficientVelocity) - brainstorming partner and someone for whom I edit

Morgan "Nighzmarquls" Heacock (SpaceBattles, SufficientVelocity) - a fellow writer and inspiration

zoru (ArchiveOfOurOwn) - a close friend and fellow writer

Z. Albert Bell (Site) - correspondent and fellow writer

callmesalticidae (SaltWorks, DriveThruRPG, ArchiveOfOurOwn, SufficientVelocity, SpaceBattles) - a brainstormer and prolific writer.

Rhythm - one of my first associates in the old webfiction community.

Ian "Megajoule" Everett - another early friend in the webfiction community

Redcoat_Officer (ArchiveOfOurOwn, SufficientVelocity, SpaceBattles) a fellow writer, and an appreciator of nonhuman fiction

BeaconHill (ArchiveOfOurOwn, SufficientVelocity, SpaceBattles) one of my favorite writers.

Akninirith (Site) - a loyal reader, one of my first.

Aabcehmu (SufficientVelocity) - a fellow worldbuilder and writer

Brayton "theredsheep" Cole - a writer I introduced to the webfiction community

elke (Bandcamp, Fedi) - a fediverse mutual and fellow musician

SkyeWint (Bandcamp, NewGrounds) - fellow musician

bedlam (Tumblr) - friend and fellow shitposter

Solonarv ( - friend and fellow {worldbuilder, aspiring gamedev}